The Coming Rapture

Flying with the angels of every sunrise, breathtaking golden rays

I’ll do whatever it takes to change, I’ll raise this flag and so it’ll wave

I’ll slay every demon with precision, every fickle thought of indecision

Now as every archangel has risen I glisten in the rapture

Adverted humanities disaster with the flick of a thought, so soft

Now my friends in flesh bodies will faithfully deliver

Deliver every righteous thought to bestow a heavenly collective

Blue birds nested, rested, fly now with every classy spirit

Spirits of ethereal beauty soothe passionate dreams

Light show, sky blue, silver fantasies come true

The aura of every honorable warrior unites, I’m the woman inside

I banish every last lie with a serene sigh, world peace is mine



Many weep in their poverty stricken mind, the world that was given to them

The secret societies, the lies, the ones who seek power over community

As they have their roles to play, self destructing is their oblivion


Yet, you see this is the coming of the two worlds, two earths

Shall you be a slave to the greedy, ego stricken in their dystopia?


No, no, you are the ones who come home to Utopia

The mercy is the reckoning of your own paradise within

Sin is only the self destruction you perpetuate unto self


All the secrets are out, this is the time to relinquish doubt

I’ve achieved this glistening castle all with the power

Power of love, power of freedom, power of transcendence


This light shall shine on tens of millions, God willing

Tribe of reverent talents, the gifts of our chosen journey

The truth is clear


In this land there is nothing to fear

My dear you are heard, through our gifts we serve

The Sun Will Rise Again


Setbacks, self disappointment and relapses are all things we often experience when making a break through to a new way of life. It hurts to know you messed up, but it’s comforting knowing the Grace of God has saved yet again. I’m grateful to God for loving me unconditionally and blessing me with the power of faith.

I must have ten guardian angels to be saved so many times from the brink. There are no words that can express the depth of my gratitude. I suppose on my short journey I got a little too proud and even a little self righteous. Speaking all this beautiful wisdom but yet to be securely firm in my foundation. I’m only human after all, I relapsed on my alcohol recovery and it lead me into another unfortunate situation. Yet I’ve made it through.

I won’t ever claim to be perfect and over the last month I’ve surely been dealt a hard dose of humility. I’ve never been the most humble person yet I’ve come to know it so well. I’m thankful that I can now take this bump in the road to build my empire. To help others save themselves through the power of Grace, of God, of Love. That power that resides deep within all of humanity.

Regardless of the fear mongering and pandering we will not surrender to the dark forces that seek destruction. I am here to live for love and I know so many others to be beacons of hope, love, joy and ascension. It’s definitely a challenging path and we must come to terms how our thoughts have lead us to our present destination.

One step back doesn’t mean failure, one step back means more ammunition to fuel the hunger for success, transcendence and over all well being. I’m here on this journey to heal and to truly become one again. To be in the graces of God, to do the work of good and work that helps bring peace and joy to others. I don’t claim to know everything, I don’t claim to have special knowledge that makes me any different than any other person. All I know is that my heart yearns for eternal life and peace.

Through the sheer power of my will, I will overcome the temptation of wretchedness and improve my life and in the process hopefully improve someone else’s. Yet I know that I can’t become that beacon of change and hope until I’ve truly shown by the ways of my very deeds.

Everlasting Life


Becoming the way is how we show the way. If we cant be the wisdom we speak, then it holds no meaning and we become another talking head. I’ll admit I used to give out the best wisdom, advice and feedback but I wasn’t living by that. My life wasn’t a reflection of my knowledge and that’s why I was suffering.

For what is knowledge if it is not used to be better and do better. When we stop cultivating our true self our soul and identify solely with our ego this is when we truly suffer. Although through this suffering it gives birth to some of our greatest wisdom.

I knew the way through my suffering but I was continually making the choice to go against my heart and lay trapped with ego. Finally I had enough and that is when my journey began to raise my consciousness, become the best me and manifest the life of my dreams. The ego had me trapped in very dark beliefs that something bad had to happen for something incredible to happen.

That energy field I was resonating in was just fear and fear will do anything and say anything to keep you trapped. That’s how it feeds of your free will to choose it, it has no real power on its own, only the power we give it. Through us using our free will for the betterment of our true selves which in return is the betterment of humanity we will transform. We will not only transform ourselves, but the world and the planet.

So one step at a time, one thought at a time I am building my foundation of greatness, success and abundance with fertile soul watered with unconditional love, hope, faith and eternal life. As my seeds begin to grow, my tree of life shall bear all the fruit of the great spirit of everything that is.

We can’t convert anyone, we can’t persuade anyone. This is not our way, our way is BEING the way through our divine essence, our mere light will show the way. It will inspire others and others whom resonate shall come and we will manifest a new heaven and a new earth through manifesting the divine expression of our deepest desires and dreams.

Meditating our way to everlasting life.


Letting go of Frustration


When we continually channel the energy of frustration we are in essence preventing ourselves from succeeding and manifesting the things we truly desire into our life. The more we identify with the feelings of annoyance, frustration and so on. The more we focus on it and bring it into our lives.

I’m dealing with this right now because there are things I feel like people around me should have the courteous of doing, yet don’t. I can’t make them, me getting snappy with them and telling them not do it won’t make them do it. This is were we must let go, we can’t change anyone’s behavior whether it is in regards to being messy or they have an addiction.

We have to accept our responsibilities for our reactions, thoughts and energy we express around these pet peeves. It could be from family, house mates, coworkers, etc. We have to accept the flaws in others and be grateful for their good qualities and that must be what we focus on if we want to achieve harmony.

This can be challenging, believe me I understand this so much. Yet, the more we practice patience, gratitude and selflessness we are willing to do it to makes us happy, it’s about our emotions. Through our emotions of being happy we reflect that unto others through our words, thoughts, actions and just mere presence.

There will be some cases where you will just no longer resonate around certain people and certain folks, even family. This doesn’t mean we aren’t grateful for them and don’t love them. It just means our energies are in conflict and our vibrations are not in alignment to cohabit the same space for more than a certain time.

While being patience and channeling grace, patience and understanding as well as being grateful for the good in others we will literally manifest ourselves out of the situation or the person will notice their part and make more of an effort.

It’s all an energy thing, as we all know everything is energy. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, energy can only me transformed/transmuted. So everything we desire and want is literally waiting for us to call out in a state of grace and we shall receive.

In order for us to achieve success at manifesting our deepest desires, we must let go of the little petty differences, conflicts, frustrations and channel a deeper understanding of what our goal is. Our goal either being a feeling or something material, etc.

If we want to change our living situation or work environment, then it shall be. We don’t need to know how, when, etc. We just need to decide that we want it, manifest it; be grateful for our present situation in a state of understanding that it no longer resonates with us and it’s okay to move on with grace and gratitude.

How to Meditate without Shutting your Brain off

You don’t have to shut your brain off to meditate. You can use repetitive thoughts such as, I am HAPPY, I AM PEACE, I AM ABUNDANCE, I AM ACTING in a COMPASSIONATE WAY in every area of my life.

Say things like this in your mind to yourself and feel the emotion accompanying it as it is yours NOW in the moment. Feel and say this over and over. Use different mantras and sayings. Do this while meditating, you don’t have to completely empty your mind.

This is how I meditate. Although, I do try to focus a few minutes on nothingness, I meditate for a purpose and that is to manifest. Manifest the emotions I want in my life, the material abundance, the spiritual abundance, etc.

Use some meditation music you can find plenty on spotify and youtube or whatever music subscription service you use.



No one is going to change their life until THEY are ready. Just like you didn’t change until you were ready, just like I didn’t change until I was ready.

Everyone’s rock bottom is different, rock bottom is a matter of perspective. We must stop waiting for other people to change their life and just accept that we can only change our reality.


Ascension to a New Earth


The hate, violence, bigotry, racism, war and suffering is a part of this realm here. It’s a part of living in a world of duality. The time has come where the lines are being drawn.

You either live with hate in your heart, you hate your enemies, you hate your self, others, hate, hate hate. Hate only creates more hate.

The only way to transcend past these energies is unity, forgiveness and unconditional love. We must unite as a whole human family. The new earth is being manifested as we speak, it is so. It talks of this in many ancient texts.

Many will be left behind to experience the worst of duality because they have let hate harden their hearts, many will choose love and transcend to a new way of life.

Regardless, in the end when this experience is over all will eventually come back to the force of unconditional love

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive


I’ve hurt a lot of people with my words and actions.
I’ve done a lot of things I wish I wouldn’t of done.

I resonated in a place of complete wretchedness. A place that is of suicide, depression, alcoholism, eating disorders, wishing bad on others, self destruction and death.

I know that suffering, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I know what that can do to a person and how identifying with that energy can change you from your true self to a person you don’t even know.

It’s not too late to make the choice to be saved, saved through the faith in yourself and everything that is. It’s okay to let go, to forgive yourself, to forgive others. Only through our forgiveness can we truly let go and be better, do better and show better ways.

I made the choice to be happy, I hope you will too.

Compassion for others

Just because people don’t respect others doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be compassionate and understanding to why they are treating people the way they are.

When you live in a place of unconditional love you can see why someone would do anything. This doesn’t mean we condone it, it just means we can see from a place of knowing. This is enlightenment.
