Dont stop dreaming!

So many people stop dreaming or don’t dream at all. It’s in your best interest to dream as big as possible! Don’t worry about ‘how’ it’s going to happen! The how is up to a greater intelligence. 

The only thing we have to do is BELIEVE and have faith that what we desire is already ours. Believe it’s yours before it even actually manifests. Believe with all your heart and mind. Imagine it already done, live in your dream. Feel the powerful emotions of it already fulfilled!

Focus on those emotions of it being yours. How does it feel? Focus on that and as you do you’ll notice life aligning everything you need to make your dream a reality. But you must stay in a good feeling place so when a nudge of inspiration comes you can hear it.

If a negative thought comes just continually and deliberately think a good affirming thought. Create affirmations for yourself to strengthen your faith. Affirmations start with I am. Such as, I am wealthy, I am happy. Make them short, precise & to the point.

Say these to yourself everyday. Read them aloud, write them down. As you do this your implanting them deeply into your subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is what controls our reality. Yet it’s our thoughts and emotions that control our subconscious mind.

So be consistent, focus and you will see your life change before your eyes. Others will think you are crazy until the physical manifestations reap what you’ve sown. Then they’ll ask how you did it! 

Think good affirming thoughts, only talk of positive experiences. Only talk of what you want. Talk as if it’s already yours. Trust the process, be patient. Don’t judge yourself and let go. You don’t have to be perfect or think 100% perfect to manifest your deepest desires. Let go of the negativity by continually choosing to feel good and think good no matter what! 

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