Banquet of Opulence


Ruby ring fits like perfection, jewels on display has her attention

Gifts of diamonds, emeralds, stones of exquisite cultivation

An event of my celebration, philanthropy is my destiny


Five star, list of decision makers while I take a minute to ponder

Escaping to a stone drawing room, whispering to the talent to rise

Come upon me this is no time to shy, premium membership

A ticket for opulence, solicitude kindling the way a reward comes


Conspiracy for the uninitiated, game for the players

Dangerous yet knowledgeable, I’m not quite so gullible

God saved me, he says I’m unstoppable, so lovable


Median juncture, surrounded by all these black caped masked faces

Embellished in white lace to conquer these psychotic fiends



Make believe friends, deception as there reverend

Bishop of iniquity claims his throne, proceeds to try and take hold

You bare no power here, I’m here to summon a Love beyond fear


Body of light, burning these forsaken spirits in scared rite

Passage now lucid for my walk with God

It’s my time to portray posture of divinity, feminine whims


Banquet of holiness, feast of grand honor

Only for the ones invited with due respect, the beauty of the elite intellect

All for the people, the true ones blessed

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